OOTD: The Sum of the Parts

My closet is getting too full for its own good.  So I did a little closet purge.  I'm not sure if it actually helped, but it was an attempt -- now it's time for a trip to Goodwill/consignment shop/eBay.  Well, I'm not actually going to take a trip to eBay.  It sounds amazing though, what with all it's giant dimensional pocket of random things people don't want.  Oh right, deadpan doesn't come across as well in print.  Excuse me, I'm a touch tired.  How do you purge your closet?  And what do you do with your purged clothing?

Today's outfit is a little bit of new, a little bit of old and a whole lot of in between. 

Outfit Details:
Cardigan: Banana Republic (old)
Top: Urban Outfitters Kimchi & Blue (old)
Skirt: JCrew Petite Cord Pencil Skirt (buy it here)
Belt: Anthropologie Snakebite Belt
Shoes: Anthropologie Miss Albright Renesslaer T-Staps
Scarf: Anthropologie (old)
Necklace: Bought off vendor in Key West, FL

The cord skirt is soft and comfortable, and I think it's a really good option to look dressed up for work, but not feel stuffy.  And the belt? It's just the right width, it's stretchy and I wear it all the time.  Over dresses, shirts, skirs, sweaters, everything. All. The. Time.  I think I slept in it once.  Well, not really.  But I could, if I wanted to.  

These shoes are awesome.  I was looking for a good pair of T-straps for a while, and these have some great details.  You would think that the flowers would be obnoxious (I did), but in fact, they're not noticeable unless you take a really good look at someone's feet.  And why would you be staring at someone's feet anyway? Creeper.  Oh, and the heels are wood painted brown, so for someone like me who is notorious for ripping the covers off heels, it's great.  I don't know, I must lean against concrete curbs a lot or something.

In other news, I'm going to be doing a Style Challenge this weekend.  I'm thinking either exposed socks and open toed shoes or a scarf tucked into a belt.  Both seem a little strange to me, but are highly in fashion in the moment.  Preferences anybody?

New Year's Eve is tomorrow and I'm excited.  I'm ready to drink a little, play a little and sleep a little.  But first!  What to wear?!  I'll be posting some candidates soon. 

What are your plans? 

Thanks for stopping by!  See you tomorrow!


  1. If you lived in MN, I could help you purge your closet. My girlfriends would take me to dinner & lotsa drinks after doing theirs for an afternoon. I'm great at that.

    Here are a few tips to get you started.

    Set a timer for 10 minutes and take the following out of your closet and clothing drawers:
    1. anything that doesn't fit
    2. anything that stinks, looks really darn old, or needs serious repairs
    3. anything you haven't worn in 1.5 years
    4. anything that makes your question your sanity when you look at it
    5. anything that makes you feel ugly when you wear it

    That should free up some space. I'd also attack the pajamas and undergarments too. Drinking cocktails during the process makes it a little more fun too. Happy New Year!

  2. 10 minutes? Wow, that's a speed purge if I ever heard one. Though I suppose in this case, it wouldn't be a bad idea to go with your gut.
