OOTD: Puckered Ruffles

I've been feeling a little uninspired the last couple days.  Normally, I have an overabundance of inspiration from the different blogs, sites and magazines that I look for, with outfit after outfit possibility swimming in my head.  Not now.  I suspect this is because I've been working really hard for the last couple months and, with the push coming to a close this week, all the tiredness I've been holding at bay is coming down on me at the same time.  Has that ever happened to you?

The good thing is, as I've built my closet over the last year or so, it's a heck of a lot easier to pick random things out of my closet and have them go well together.  That's what happened today:

Outfit Details
 Tank: Tahari Tee with Studded Trim
Blazer: Anthropologie Tabitha Puckered Eyelet Jacket
Jeans: Anthropologie AG Stevie Crops
Boots: Anthropologie Lucky Penny Loose Reign Booths

I've noticed that I rely heavily on neutrals when I don't have any front loaded outfit ideas.  You can't go wrong!  Today was also the first time I took all my pictures by myself with the timer.  I think it worked out pretty well, don't you?  Though I think the neighbors might have thought an alarm was going off with all the beeping noises that my camera was making.....beep!

My boots are making their first debut after sitting in my closet unworn for a month.  Why, you ask?  It wasn't because I didn't love them.  It was more because I felt guilty about my shopping sprees in the months of November and December and told myself if I still wanted them in a month, I would keep them.  If not, I would return them and get my money back.  Well, I decided that they were amazing and kept them.  I've never had anything in my shoe wardrobe like them!

That's it for today.  Thanks for stopping by, see ya tomorrow!

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