Day 23: And Now For Something Different

It's raining here.  Which's snowing in Tahoe!  Readers, I'm terribly excited about my day trip to Kirkwood on Saturday, mostly because I love snowboarding and powder.  And if I'm super lucky, there will still be some powder to ride when I get there this weekend.  I'm beside myself with excitement. 

Today was a casual kind of day.  I was playing with some of the angles of my camera and took a couple of pictures on the floor.  What do you think?

Outfit Details
Blazer: H&M
Top: Anthropologie Buds & Bunches Top
Pants: Gap 1969 Skinny Ankle Jeans
Shoes: Anthropologie Diamond Stitch Skimmers
Scarf: Anthropologie

I rather like the effect, don't you?  Sorry for the indoor pictures, I didn't make it out of work today till 6:30 and it was already dark.  Though with the rain, I don't know if I would have braved my camera getting water damage.  Ah well.  

I totally left some delicious stew in the slow cooker for about 18 hours and it's just about ready, so off to eat I go!  (I know I keep talking about food in these posts, but what can I say?  I write these up around dinner time.)  

Thanks for stopping by, see ya tomorrow!


  1. Fab red flats!! I'm currently obsessed with red pants, but all red is looking pretty good to me right now. I'd like to steal your flat for my 30! Good thing we are almost finished, and I will be able to shop again!! OXO

  2. Thanks Natalie! I love my red flats too, but I'm with you -- I'm DYING to go shopping again. Next month is my birthday month, so I'm doubly excited ;). Good luck on your 30 for 30!

  3. My bad for walking in during your photo shoot! That would've been a funny pic if I made it all way the up the stairs.

  4. Haha, that's okay dude. It's really your gain/loss. I would've posted a pic if you were in it :P.
