Days 9-10: Catching Up on Sleep

It's been a crazy few days friends.  As you probably know, I landed in Chicago for a friend's wedding that's coming up on Saturday.  I ended up catching an early 7am flight on Virgin Airlines (that airline's got it going ooooon!), which means I woke up at 4am to have enough time to get ready and drive to the airport.  My mom needed to pick up her dress for the wedding, so after feeding her starving daughter, we ended up hanging out at Woodfield Mall for a good 4-5 hours. I find out shortly after we get home, that my BF needs a ride home from the airport (he's from here too, and yes, he was on a different flight) because his flight was delayed from arriving at midnight to, oh, 2:20am.  As his sister has 2 under 5 year old children, and his BIL left for work at that time, they could no longer get him  Oh happy day, right?  I did get a blog post out of it last night though, so at least you win!

Yesterday's crazy leaked into today because I needed to get BF to his sisters, meet my girlfriends for lunch, and then make it home in time for a work meeting that couldn't wait till next week.  Theeeen, I took a 3 hour nap.  Hence the bedhead  completely intentional "devil may care sexy hair". 

This is (hopefully) the last catch up post.  Here's what I ended up wearing during my travel day yesterday:

Air Cruising
Outfit DetailsTop: Anthropologie
Leggings: Express
Shoes: Anthropologie Diamond Stitch Skimmers
Scarf: Twenty8Twelve
Belt: Anthropologie
Glasses: Kate Spade
Air Cruising
Air Cruising

I'm using the family computer to edit the photos, which is why the sizes aren't consistent. I'm also back to using my point and shoot camera because the BF has our DSLR.  Yay for red eye!

And today's more put together outfit:

Day 10: Catching Up on Sleep
Outfit DetailsTop: Anthropologie Ripple Effect Top
Shorts: J Crew Eyelet Shorts
Shoes: Anthropologie Ylang Ylang Sandals
Necklace: Anthropologie
Bracelets: Bought in Philippines
Day 10: Catching Up on Sleep
Day 10: Catching Up on Sleep
Day 10: Catching Up on Sleep

Woo!  A third of the way through.  And it just flew on by!  Well, I'm off to get myself some foodage and then will be meeting some old friends at a local bar.  Thanks for stopping by, see ya tomorrow!

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