OOTD: Citrus is Good for Your Health

I love fruit.  Cherries, peaches, bananas, strawberries and on and on.  But citrus is the best.  I can eat 5 pounds of oranges in a couple of days.  No, I'm not proud, but I AM full of Vitamin C.  It even changed my clothes orange and yellow! Oh colorblocking -- I loves you. 

Citrus is Good for Your Health 
Outfit Details
Cardigans: Anthropologie (thrifted)
Skirt: Anthropologie Spitalfields Skirt
Shoes: Anthropologie Definitively Gamine Flats
Belt: Anthropologie Snake Bite Belt

Citrus is Good for Your Health
Citrus is Good for Your Health
Citrus is Good for Your Health 

I totally found this cardigan at the local Goodwill.  I was perusing the racks and my jaw dropped, I snatched it off the hanger and held on for dear life.  What a find! And apparently, tangerine is in season this year (the color, not the fruit) per Lucky Magazine.  

The BF and I went on a hike in the foothills today and it was pretty amazing.  The greenery and nature was so cool.  I saw cacti!  Check it: 

I'm thinking that hikes are going to be a great, cheap, fun way to spend time with people and get exercise in at the same time.  It just seems like a win win!  What do you think?

Thanks for stopping by, see ya tomorrow!


  1. I'm dying for your cardigan ( I woulda fought you for it in the store), and I love this bright combo. Yummy.

  2. Haha, remind me not to take you shopping then ;). J/k, coming shopping with me! I felt like a bright flashing light at work with the color combo, but I still loved it.
