Day 23: Yes...That One

This set of photos employs one of my best contemplative faces.   It's the face that I put on when I want to look like I'm intelligent, articulate and choose my words carefully.  The face that gives you confidence that I can correctly make a choice for you.  In reality, I'm just thinking about what I want to eat for dinner.  But that's okay.  Because on the outside I look like I'm intelligent and articulate.  Respect my opinion, because it's well thought out!

Day 23: Yes..That One 
Outfit Details
Top: Anthropologie Ripple Effect
Skirt: Anthropologie Amhara Skirt
Shoes: MIA
Belt: Anthropologie Snakebite Belt
Day 23: Yes..That OneDay 23: Yes..That One
Day 23: Yes..That One 

When taking photos, the placement of light is often unintuitive.  The best time in terms of light to take pictures is actually right after the sun comes up or right before the sun goes down.  Now that the sun sets later in the day,  it's often much brighter than when I initially started this blog when my BF helps me take pictures.  It's odd how much we have to adjust for over brightness when its sunniest outside.  Argh.  It's like I'm in Physics again.  Did anyone else get their mind blown when they learned that throwing a ball straight up in the air when sitting in a moving vehicle (i.e. a car, a boat, etc.) still comes straight back down in your hand?  It blew my mind!  Yeah, sorry -- sometimes I'm a nerd.  

Anyway, that's a wrap today.  Thanks for stopping by, see ya tomorrow!

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