OOTD: Blogger Inspiration

One of the best things about being part of the fashion blogging community is all the different points of views.  I follow over 30 different style blogs and I love every single one of them because they show different body types, different styles and even different ways of styling the same item -- the outfits are usually extremely different!  They also help me immensely when I'm stuck in a rut or have absolutely no creative juice in the morning.  For this post, I took a page from Kim from Anthroholic.  Rust and mint were never something I thought would EVER go together (and if you know me, I LOVE mixing strange colors), but lo and behold, this color combination rocks!

OOTD: Blogger Inspiration 
Outfit Details
Top: Anthropologie Epilogue Top
Skirt: J Crew (thrifted)
Cardigan: J Crew Jackie Cardigan
Shoes: Kenzie (via eBay)
Belt: Anthropologie
Bracelet: From Philippines
OOTD: Blogger Inspiration
OOTD: Blogger Inspiration
OOTD: Blogger Inspiration 
OOTD: Blogger Inspiration 

I've also gotten on the bandwagon with tying the ends of cardigans and button down shirts.  No longer is this style for super skinny tall people with rocking abs.  Now, you too, can tie a shirt....over another shirt! I'm all about defining a waist with belts and whatnot, and this is a great way to do it without one!  Now if I can only ensure that the ends won't stretch from being in a knot all day....

Does anyone know any good interior design blogs?  I'm moving to a new place and the BF and I are discussing bedroom decor.  I've come to the realization that I've been spending a disproportionate amount of time looking at closets.  Like: 

and this:

I love a good closet!  Of course, I'm interested in the actual bedroom part too!  Any suggestions? 

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Love this outfit! That skirt is to die for ^^

  2. You look adorable! Thanks for the shout out - I am so glad I inspired you to try out my favorite color combo - it looks great on you!

  3. I love your outfit and the color combination! As for design blogs, I love www.apartmenttherapy.com and www.younghouselove.com!

  4. I love the color combination! I'm not a big fan of tying the shirts but I definitely love the colors together. The closets are amazing also - I had to stop looking at interior design things because I wanted to do so much. My favorite interior design site to look at is http://sweethomestyle.tumblr.com/ - so gorgeous!

  5. @Tara - I know! My roommate got it at a clothing swap for me because she saw it was in my size! Recycled clothing is so awesome.

    @Kim - Thanks Kim! You totally sold me on the mint/rust combo.

    @Kavita - I'll totally check those out, thanks for the recommendations.

  6. @Oriana - It definitely took a long time for me to come around to tying shirts, but I figure experimentation is what makes blogging so fun :). I can look back in 5 years and be all like -- what the...?

    I'm totally getting (overly) excited by the interior design blogs I've found so far, so I may have to back off in a couple of weeks. I'll definitely check you link out though -- thanks!

  7. ... so I'm not sure if you already read about Kim at Anthroholic's scams. I hope you weren't one of her vicitims. It's awful!

  8. Thanks for your concern :). I have and am saddened by the blatant way that she took advantage of so many's trust. But, fortunately, I've never had any monetary dealings with her, so I'm good on that front. Hope all is well with you!
