This skirt actually has a bunch of apples on it, but it just wasn't as fun to make the post title "Orange Apple'. I've worn this skirt a bunch of times this summer, but this is the first time it made it on the blog. I love little mini skirts like this because a short girlie like me can still show leg and wear flats at the same time! I still use the high school rule of skirt hems past the fingertips are a-okay and this stays on the ride of the sassy-skanky border. Because really, don't we learn everything worth knowing in school?

OOTD: Productive
Last week BF and I decided to have a productive Sunday morning by heading out to a local coffee shop and getting some work done. He prepared for his work week and I worked on the blog and caught up on the September issues of fashion mags. Because seriously, September is THE BEST month for magazines -- the InStyle this month is 604 pages! I'm STILL going through it.
Anyway I wanted something comfy, but a little sassy, so I went with this romper. I used to be against rompers, but this one was so cute on the rack that I just had to take it home. I love this outfit because it's comfy but looks totally put together.
Outfit Details
Romper: Twelfth Street Cyntha Vincent via Nordstrom Rack
Cardigan: J Crew Lightweight Cardi
Shoes: Anthropologie
Hat: J Crew
Scarf: Clothing swap
Sunglasses: Cotton On

Anyway I wanted something comfy, but a little sassy, so I went with this romper. I used to be against rompers, but this one was so cute on the rack that I just had to take it home. I love this outfit because it's comfy but looks totally put together.
Outfit Details
Romper: Twelfth Street Cyntha Vincent via Nordstrom Rack
Cardigan: J Crew Lightweight Cardi
Shoes: Anthropologie
Hat: J Crew
Scarf: Clothing swap
Sunglasses: Cotton On
If you're ever looking for inexpensive, fun sunglasses, I love the options they have at Cotton On! They don't have the polka dots in stock anymore on the website, but you can find a similar style here. I can't buy expensive sunglasses anymore because I ALWAYS lose them, so these were a great alternative.
Have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by!
OOTD: Falling
Fall has to be my favorite season. Yes, I realize that it's probably every blogger's favorite season, but I love the muted jewel tones, the layering and all the fun blazer/sweater/jacket options that come with it. I mean, I've been DYING to have a blazer with elbow pads on it foreeeeever. And then I found one at Crossroads. AND the elbow pads are suede and soft and ah-mazing. So I just paired it with the 2 most unlikely colors ever. And I kind of like it.
Please excuse the hair.
Please excuse the hair.
Thoughts: On Geekery
From Top going Clockwise: Japanese Kimono for Cultural Obi Tying Dance (2003), Strawberry Shortcake Halloween Costume playing Guitar Hero (2007), Sakura Haruno from Naruto Plush
This past weekend, I was watching a What Not To Wear episode on a 26 year old girl named Victoria. She had a normal 9-5 job, but otherwise spent her hours gaming and watching Japanese anime. Several times throughout the show, she would quote the Sailormoon catch phrase "Tsukini kawatte, oshioki yo!" (In the name of the moon, I'll punish you).
Now, let me just say, despite the naysayers that think What Not To Wear is a ridiculous exercise in building fashion clone robots and bashing people's personal style, I truly believe that the show has a real purpose. There's a lot of merit to the argument that looking good leads to feeling good which leads to confidence. At the end of the day, that's what that show does -- show its participants a way to feel good about themselves through their outward appearance. And confidence is more than half the battle of living life to its fullest! Nonetheless, I spent the better part of that episode feeling extremely uncomfortable.
I've mulled it over and I'm not sure I've completely figured it out. You may or may not know this about me, but I am, in many respects, a super geek. When a new Final Fantasy game comes out, I fulfill any responsibilities I have as quickly as possible and spend all other time playing until I ultimately come to the end of the game. And for those that know RPGs, that can take anywhere from 80-200 hours of play time. Playing Left 4 Dead 2 for hours with friends is one of my ideas of a good time. I've been watching anime and reading manga since I was 13 -- back when it wasn't even REMOTELY cool to do so. I go to anime conventions I do, indeed, cosplay -- one year I dressed up as a homosexual lead man from a yaoi anime (Gravitation, for those who are interested)! And yes, I was one of those people who learned Japanese for the sole purpose of understanding/reading Japanese anime and manga. Granted, that open my world up to a whole slew of awesome international interests, but at the end of the day, my motives didn't start out so worldly.
So what was it about this particular episode that bothered me? The show actually portrayed Victoria as this super cute, quirky girl that needed some fashion guidance, but ultimately kept her personality. So I wasn't super mad about how she was represented. I do think, however, that the episode reminded me of the shame I used to feel about having geeky interests. (Yes, I too, can quote the Japanese Sailormoon entrance speech from memory. "Ai to seigi no, seira no bishoujo senshi -- Seira Muun!"). Why is that? To date, no one has ever belittled me for my interests. In fact, I never hid my geekiness from my friends and family -- they just accepted me for who I was. If anything, it helped define my character and led me to my love of traveling. Maybe I just thought that being who I was would never lead me to become the stereotypical popular cheerleader. And when I was growing up, that image was still who the media told little girls to strive to be like. So sometimes it was just easier to just fall into the geek stereo type whole hog. Wear the jeans, the anime t-shirts, the sneakers and carry character plushies around. And there's nothing wrong with that if that's what you want to do. But then I looked at pictures and media of accomplished women with their high heels and tailored suits, and I wanted that too. I just didn't think that my personality complemented that kind of style. And funnily enough, I thought my geeky friends would judge me! (Even though they didn't and still don't).
I've come a long way from that pre-teen self. I'm proud of my accomplishments and I do still play games and read manga. And you know what? That knowledge has served me well in more social situations than I can count! (Seriously, there's no better way to break the ice than talking about Gears of War strategy in Horde mode). I guess all I wanted to say is that if you identify yourself as a geek, there's no reason to feel insecure or be ashamed of yourself. I run a fashion blog and play at LAN parties with the best of them. And in high heeled shoes to boot! We're all multi-faceted and that geekiness is only once side of yourself -- one that you should be proud of. And just because you're a self-proclaimed geek, doesn't bar you from looking or doing things that don't fit the stereotype!
Be who you are and don't be ashamed. And if someone judges you for it, then that's their own damn problem. Maybe that's someone you don't need in your life or that you need to make understand your point of view. Because if they really cared about you, they would never intentionally hurt you. And if someone you know feels insecure about loving anime, Korean pop, goth, or whatever the "weird" interest of the times is, make sure they know you think they're awesome and deserve to be whoever they want to be. Because if I didn't have supportive people in my life, who knows how much more insecure I might have been growing up -- and everyone deserves to have a solid support system.
If you're still with me, thanks for sticking with it. This topic has been on my mind all weekend, and I had to get it out.
Thanks for stopping by!
OOTD: Weekend Update
Outfit Details
Top: Banana Republic Factory
Cardigan: Anthropologie Eunice Cashmere Cardi
Shorts: Urban Outfitters
Sunglasses: Cotton On
Belt: Vintage from my Mom's Closet
Outfit Details
Top: Nordstrom BP Tank
Vest: Urban Outfitters
Pants: H&M
Shoes: Anthropologie Brimming Button Heels
Necklace: WorkPlayDate
This weekends shenanigans include buying super cheap produce from a farmer's market in the last 15 minutes, making sangria to sneak into an outdoor public market venue and playing card games and hanging out with my BF's family. I also got an amazing lazy cappuccino and found a mint bike that I'm just DYING to have, but won't likely spent have a grant on a for a fair bit. Not much money spent, but so many good times to be had. And isn't that just the best of life?
Thanks for stopping by!
OOTD: Backyardigans
Outfit Details
Top: Style Mint Lennox Tee
Bottoms: AG Stevie Ankle Cords
Shoes: All Black
Scarf: Anthropologie
Sunglasses: Stunners
One of the things I miss about living at home with my parents is the presence of a backyard. While I may not be sliding through a Crocodile Mile or practicing my soccer skills, I could certainly take advantage of one with a good bock and a glass of wine. Luckily, the BF's sister has a house nearby, so I can vicariously live her priviledged backyard owning life. I also use her to vicariously have kids, be married and write a food blog.
The title of this blog is also homage to one of my favorite children's cartoons I found as an adult - the Backyardigans. And after watching it with my god child a few years ago, I totally don't watch it on my own. Really.
Thanks for stopping by!
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