November on Instagram

NOTICE: I have extended the Stella and Dot a few more days to give folks a little more time to enter.  The new deadline for submissions is Wednesday, December 5th at 11:59pm.  Go check it out!


Such an eventful month!  Birthdays, the late explosion of fall in the Bay Area, sports, a road trip down Route 1 with my parents to LA, a Bears game, workouts and winding down.

Left to right, top to bottom: 
  • goddaughter rocking the pink hiking boots we got for her birthday // fall foliage 
  • coordinated soccer cleats and socks // fresh seafood at monterey bay  
  • giant pancakes @ lou lou's griddle in the middle // driving down rt 1 (details: stylemint, anthropologie, gap, stunners)
  • hearst castle // bloody mary at tupelo junction  
  • sunset at santa monica pier // bears vs 49ers game prep 
  • 1920's party (details: target, white house black market, banana republic) // bears game at candlestick park 
  • christmas oreos // pre-run

Thanks for stopping by! 


  1. These are all such cute Instagram photos!!! I always enjoy seeing bits and pieces of other people's day.

  2. Thanks! That's what I love Instagram for :).
